Sunday, March 4, 2012

fro-yo = fail

Now I know what you might be thinking...fro-yo =fail? That's sac-ra-lidge! But wait to hear the story before you judge!

Last week was my first week on Meghan Telphner's "Gluten-Free Cleanse". Monday through Wednesday were great! Not much to change in my diet as I pretty much eat Gluten-free anyway. I took it a little easy on working out this week but Wednesday evening, I felt like I needed a serious sweat session. Hit the gym and ended up on the elliptical for an hour. (Both treadmills were out of service.) After the cardio, I spent about 15 minutes with the free weights. Later that evening I started to develop a major headache. So, I went to bed hoping that would solve the problem....

When I woke up on Thursday, I still had a little headache and was feeling pretty blah. As day went on, and I began having to deal with people, I noticed I was not only extremely cranky but extremely sensitive, look at me wrong and I was either gonna bite your head off or burst out in tears! Fortunately, that morning the gang over at Making Love in the Kitchen had sent out an email...Handling the Healing Crisis. It was very apparent I was experiencing some of the lovely symptoms that come with the healing and detoxing of the toxins when on a cleanse. So I was able to follow most of their tips...
  • Drink plenty of water. There’s nothing better to wash away the yucky-ness than water, which flushes out toxins and makes your cells happy.
  • Add lemon to your water. Lemon is naturally detoxifying and kicks your liver and digestive tract into gear. It’s a great way to start your day!
  • Rest: Sometimes the best thing you can do is to do nothing at all. Get your sleep, take naps if you need them. Your body is doing some repair work and this can make you feel more tired than usual.
Only problem was...that didn't quit do the trick! I was still super blah on my drive home and had to stop by the store for a few essentials. Well we just got a new frozen yogurt shop in the center across from my apartment, so I figured a little pick me up was in need.
This is where the fail comes into play....
I had assumed ALL fro-yo was Gluten-free, not sure why, but I did. So filled my cup with Peanut Butter and Chocolate (YUM) and as I was paying, I looked up to see....
But other than that, the CFC is going pretty well!

Today, Gary the Boxer and I were able to get out and enjoy some sunshine and warming temps! Definitely something we both needed! 

Then I did some grocercy shopping...look like I shouldn't have any problem with GREEN theme for March's WIAW!

And now here's a little something that I recommend's sure to keep the "Monday's" away! (Just watch the video...mmm-k?!)

1 comment:

  1. I've never done a cleanse before. Loved that Disney Real Housewives clip. Not far off, huh?! :)



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